House wiring

 When all accessories of electrical like switch , wire , Bulb , holder etc are fitted In one Circuit is called wiring .

Some important point kept in mind before doing a wiring in site .

SAFETY : wiring should be perfect by a perfect Electrician and check properly any danger of leakage current .


Switch : in any wiring we used switch for make or break the electric Circuit .it should operate that it must make the Circuit firm .the breaking of the switch it should break the current so that there is no information of arc between the switch blade and contact terminals.

Types of switch : 

Tumbler switch , bed switch , two way switch , one way switch etc ...

SURFACE SWITCH : this switch are fitted on the surface of the wall . These switch are two types .

Surface switch

1- single way switch ,2- two way switch 

1- single way switch : this switch are fitted on the single pole to control light point at a time .

Single way

2- two way switch : this switch are used in control from two points in wiring. 

Two way switch

FLUSH SWITCH :  this switch are fitted in flush with the wall . sometime used in high quality performance .now a day these switch are used in every house 🏠.the other name of flush switch is piano type switch .this switch are made for 5 A ,250 V and 15 A 250 V.

Flush switch

PULL SWITCH OR CELLING SWITCH : this switch are fitted on the ceiling and all the live part's .this switch operate with a single pull on the cord for on and off position .this switch are used in water heater, bathroom ,bad room etc......

Pull switch

GRID SWITCH : this switch are light and portable type .this are used in light and portable machine like grinder,hand drill machine etc ...these are made for single way and two way pattern 5 A, 15 A.

Grid switch

ROTARY SWITCH : This switch are used where many tapping are taken same like hot plate voltage stabilizer etc...

Rotary switch

PUSH BUTTON : this switch are used in refrigerator lighting switch , bell switch etc.

Push button

IRON CLAD SWITCH : This switch are made on cast iron and have very robust construction and this are used in outdoor lamp control .

LAMPS HOLDER : this are used to hold the lamp in lighting purpose 

- bayonet holder 

- pendent holder ( used in hanging light upto 250 watt ) 

- button holder ( used in wall fixed light )

- screw holder 

- switch bayonet holder ( used in table lamp )

- screw lamp holder 

- fluorescent lamp holder ( this holder either pin type or cap type ) 

CHILLING ROSE : this are used to giving a tapping to the lamp holder ,fan ,tube etc....

SOCKET : this are outlet have all insulated base. Socket have normally two hole , three hole etc....

There holes two thin hole for making connection to cable and third one is thicker ,used for earth connection .these are made for 5A and 15 A lamps .

MAIN SWITCH : main switch is like controlling and safety switch for whole sites .

The following type of main switch :

I . C . D . P . = Iran clad double pole main switch these are made on 15A ,30A , 60A ,100 A ,250 volt etc....

I . C . T . P = Iran clad triple pole main switch .these are made on 15A ,30A , 60A ,100 A ,500 volt etc.... 3-phase.

WIRE AND CABLE : these cable are used for house wiring .

( Silver , copper , aluminum , iron etc ....) 

Silver are not used due to heavy cost 

Basically copper wire are used in all wiring 

Mostly used wire is aluminum because Conductivity of aluminum is 60% more than copper .so it's mostly used like over head line underground line etc...

SYSTEM OF WIRING : When all accessories of electrical like switch , wire , Bulb , holder etc are fitted In one Circuit is called wiring .

SYSTEM OF WIRING : there are two types of wiring system 

1- tree 🌲 system

2- distribution system 

1 - TREE 🌲 SYSTEM : now a day this system is not used . because in this system so many joint and it's fault is very difficult to find .

ADVANTAGE -     1. Less cost.

DISADVANTAGE - 1. Appearance is poor.

                            2. Fault location is difficult.

                           3. Voltage drop effected.

                          4. The fuses are scattered.

2- DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM : now a days this system is widely used in indoor wiring system .in this system very less joint are used .each Circuit are disconnect from the main .in this system main supply are taken to one or more distribution center and connect to the distribution board . From those distribution boards connections to the branch circuits are taken.


1- This system is simple and capable for further extension.

2- Appearance is good.

3- Replacement of fuse is easy .

4- Each circuit is protected by a fuse.

5- All the points are maintained almost at the same voltage.

DISADVANTAGES : in this system more wire will be needed to install this system, so its cost is greater than the tree system. I.E. Rules recommend such system.


1. Cleat wiring.

2. C.T.S. (T.R.S. Wiring).

3. Wooden casing and capping wiring.

4. Lead-sheathed wiring.

5. Conduit wiring, (a) Surface conduit, (b) Underground or concealed or recessed conduit.

1 . CLEAT WIRING : now a days this system is very less used in house  wiring . in this system V. I .R or P. V. C. wire are normally used .in this system wires are installed in special cleat for certain type of installation .in this system wooden or porcelain cleat are erect and fixed at a distance of 4.5 cm to 15 cm apart .

the advantage of of this system is saving in labour and overall cost .

2. C.T.S. (T.R.S. Wiring) : in this wiring system wires used in  wiring are sheathed in tough rubber of P.V.C. wires and they are carried wooden batten with clips. damp climate is suitable in this wiring , but cannot withstand much heat and so is not suitable for places of very hot weather and there is also danger of mechanical damage and  in outdoor C .T . S . wire are not suitable in fire hazard. Therefore they should not be exposed to direct sunlight and where there are corrosive acids fumes. At such places now P.V.C. wire can be easily used. 


this wirings is most common type wiring for indoor and domestic installation . 60 years ago this wirings are introduce when it was approved to first consider necessary to provide some protection to wires . V .I. R wires are carriers in 2 or 3 channel of wooden casing capping .

This type of wiring should not be used where there is danger of mechanical damage or fire hazard according to I.E. Rules. P. V .C . casing caping are used due to effect in wood and high cost .

4) LEAD-SHEATHED WIRING :the Conductor either twin core or three core insulated being separated each in lead sheathed wiring system .and cover is used with the common lead sheath .the wire of lead sheathed is easyly fixed by means of an metal clip on wooden batten and surface system is good . when wires are broken for connection to switch or light point . must be used junction box . this are being very costly . so now a day this are very less used .

5) CONDUIT WIRING : this wiring system is best for public building , workshop .in this wiring pipes are cut with hacksaw and are threaded with the die set for bend .in this wiring V. I .R. and P . V. C. wire are used and iron pipes are giving good protection from mechanical injury . 

now a days P.V.C. conduit pipes are also available which do not require any threading . 


1. What type of wiring you will suggest in the following places:

(1) Wet place (i) Black Smithy Shop (iii) Cold storage? 

Ans= . Wet place - Batten wiring (PVC wire or CTS wire). Blac ksmithy shop - conduit, Cold storage - PVC wiring or lead-covered wiring.

2. What means are adopted to prevent the overheating of the circuit of an installation?

Ans=Fuse kit kat.

3. What is the composition of fuse wire ?

Ans= Lead + tin (60+40).

 4. What are the objections to the use of iron and copper for fuse wire ?

Ans= High melting point. Copper is used for high currents.

5. On what does the size of diameter of the fuse wire depend? 

Ans=Total current of that circuit .

6. What is the difference between the action of fuse and switch?

Ans= Switch makes the lamp circuit on, while fuse cuts the circuit when that circuit takes current above the normal.

7. Why should phase and neutral wires be put together in the conduit?

Ans=To avoid capacitive effect (Energy loss)..

8. What tests are to be conducted before energising the installation?

Ans= Following tests are to be conducted:

Conductor to conductor leakage tests, (ii) Conductor to earth leakage test Short circuit test.

(iii) Polarity test, (iv) Continuity test, (v) Open circuit test, 

 9. What % of voltage is allowed for increase and decrease?

Ans = 5% increase and decrease.

10. What % of frequency is allowed for increase and decrease? 

Ans= 3% increase and decrease.

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