All questions of SAFETY PRECAUTION

 1.What is the name of the safety sign?

A .warning sign

B Mandatory sign

C Prohibition sign

D Information sign.                             Ans=D

2.which type of fire extinguisher must NOT be used on electrical equipment?                               (  INCVT AUG 2015, FEB 2015)

(a) Foam Type

(b) Carbon dioxide type

(c) Vapourising liquid (CTC)

(d) Dry powder


3. Which type of safety sign indicates 'what must be done'?

(a) Prohibition signs

(b) Mandatory signs

(c) warning sign

(d) information sign


4.Which method of artificial resuscitation will be followed in this case, when the victim's mouth will not open?

                                             (NCVT AUG 2015]

(a) Schafer's method

(b) Nelson's method

(c) Mouth to mouth method

(d) Mouth to nose method


5.What class of fire extinguisher is suitable to extinguish the fire caused by liquefied gases?

(a) Carbon Tetra Chloride (CTC) extinguisher

(b) foam type extinguisher

(c) dry power extinguisher

(d) Helon type fire extinguisher

6.Which is the example of mandatory sign from the following safety signs examples? [NCVT FEB 2015]

(a) Risk of electric shock
(b) Wear head protection 
(c) Corrosive substances
(d) Smoking prohibited.                        Ans=B

7.What must be the immediate action, in the case of severe bleeding to victim?

(a) Apply pressure to the wound
(b) Avoid direct contact with the victim
(c) Apply clean pad and bandage firmly
(d) Put a dressing over the wound
8.Which is the most suitable fire extinguisher for class 'D' of fire shown in the figure? [NCVT FEB 2014]
Class D of fire

(A) Foam extinguisher

(B) Water filled extinguisher

(C) Gas catridge halon extinguisher

(D) Carbon Tetra Chloride (CTC) extinguisher.                                         Ans=D

8.warning sign shown in figure.what symbol does it represents"risk of danger"
                                                 [NCVT FEB 2014]


9.information safety sign are denote by
(a) a circle
(b) a triangle
(c) a square
(d) a rectangle.                               Ans=B

10.warning safety sign are denote by?

(a) a circle
(b) a rectangle
(c) a square
(d) a triangle.                                        Ans=D

11. Permission signs are denoted by:

(a) a white background circle with a green border

(b) a white background circle with a red border and a red line through the centre of the circle

(c) a blue circle

(d)a red square with rounded corners

12.Fire signs are denoted by:

(a) a red background square with rounded corners

(b) a green background square with rounded corners

(c) a blue background square with rounded corners 

(d) a yellow background square with rounded corners

13.First aid/safety equipment signs are denoted by:

(a) a red background square with rounded corners

 (b) a green background square with rounded corners

(c) a blue background square with rounded corners

(d) a yellow background square with rounded corners

14.Caution signs are denoted by:

(a) a yellow triangle with a black border

 (b) a white triangle with a red border

(c) a yellow triangle with a purple border

(d) a blue triangle with an orange border

15.Danger signs are denoted by: 

(a) a yellow triangle with a black

 (b) a white triangle with a red border

(c) a yellow triangle with a purple border

(d) a blue triangle with an orange border

16.________is/are artificial respiration method(s).

(a) Schafer and mouth to mouth method

(b) Silvester Method

(c) Nelson arm-lift back pressure method

(d) All of the above

17. Which of the following colours is used in water extinguisher cylinder?

(a) Red

(b) Cream

(c) Blue

(d) Black

18. Which of the following colours is used in foam extinguisher cylinder?

(a) Red

(b) Cream

(c) Blue

(d) Black

19. Which of the following colours is used in CO2 extinguisher cylinder?

(a) Red

(b) Cream

(c) Blue

(d) Black
20. Which of the following colours is used in halon extinguisher cylinder?

(a) Red

(b) Cream

(c) Blue

(d) Green


Fill in the Blanks

1. To help prevent exposure to workplace safety and health hazards, we must follow_____ act.

Ans. Occupational Safety and Health

2. Before replacing a lamp or handling a fan, make sure that the supply is________

Ans. switched off.

3. ________signs provide general information and directions.

Ans. Safety

4. Safety sign's category is distinguished by its_______

 Ans. shape

5. Prohibition sign is a type of______

Ans. regulatory sign

Answer the Following Questions in Brief

1. What is occupational safety and health act (OSHA)?

Ans. OSH Act is "to assure so far as possible every working man and woman in the nation safe and healthful working conditions and to preserve our human resources."

2.What do you mean by 'Safety'?

Ans. Safety is the state of being 'safe', the condition of being protected against electrical hazards. Safety can also be defined as the control of recognized hazards to achieve an acceptable level of risk. Safety is a very important aspect of our job.

3.Define personal protective equipments.

Ans. Personal Protective Equipments or 'PPE' is defined as all equipments designed to be worn or held, to protect against a risk to health or safety, and includes most types of protective clothing and equipment such as eye, hand, foot and head protection.

4.What are the objectives of the safety signs?

Ans. (i) The objective of the system of the safety sign is to draw attention rapidly and unambiguously to objects and situations capable of causing specific hazards. (ii) Provide general information and directions.

(iii) Remind employees where personal protective equipment must be worn or used.

(iv) Indicate where emergency equipment is located.

State Whether "True' or 'False'

1. OSHA stands for "Organisation Safety and Health Act".

Ans. False

2. Personal protection covers eye, hand, foot, head and face protection.

Ans. True

3. Permission safety signs have a green circle with white border.

Ans. False

4. Mandatory sign is a type of the regulatory sign.

Ans. True

5. Information signs are denoted by a circle.

Ans. False

Match the Following

1. List 1

Safety sign category.               Shape

a. Regulatory sign.          ( I) square

 b. Information sign.            (ii) triangle

c. Warning sign.              (iii) circle

Ans. a. (iii), b. (i), c. (ii)


5S is a systematic approach to organize the work area, that uses the 5 Japanese words: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke. It helps in maintaining efficiency and effectiveness. These 5 concepts are explained below:

(a) Seiri (Sort)

• Remove unnecessary items and ensure proper disposal.

• Eliminate obstacles for smooth working.

• Eliminate chances of being disturbed with unnecessary items.

(b) Seiton (Systematic Arrangement)

• Prevent wastage of time.

• Ensure smooth and easy working.

• Arrange all necessary items so that they can be easily picked.

(c) Seiso (Shine)

•  Clean your work area on regular basis.

• Keep workplace safe and clean.

Prevent machinery deterioration.

(d) Seiketsu (Standardise).

Maintain high standards of cleaning or housekeeping.

Maintain everything in order.

(e) Shitsuke (Sustain)

Keep equipments in working order.

Discipline should be maintained.

Proper training and feedback should be imparted regularly to achieve goals.

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