Rescue a person who is in under electric-line contact
When the person comes in contact with the live conductor or the apparatus, following methods should be applied to remove him
from the live conductor:
(a) Switch off the main supply immediately if it is near by.
(b) The rescuer should insulate himself by wearing rubber gloves or standing on a rubber mat or dry wooden plank and then remove the victim. The further alternative is to pull the victim while keeping yourself insulated by wrapping a thick and dry paper or cotton cloth on your hands.
Preliminary Steps: After removing the victim from the live conductor, extinguish spark if there is any from the clothes of the victim, make sure whether the victim is breathing or not. Send for the doctor, and until the doctor comes, proceed with the following first aid steps.
First Position (Schaffer's Method): Lay the victim flat on the ground with the face downward as shown in Fig. kneel beside victim back and place your both hands on his back near the lowest rib in such a manner that the fingers are spread on each side over his lower ribs while the two thumbs touch each other and are parallel to the spine.
Second Position:
Lean forward gently over the victim exerting a downward pressure for two seconds as shown in Fig. Now release pressure slowly and come to the original kneeling position while keeping the hands in the same position. Repeat this procedure for about fifteen times a minute. This expands and contracts the victim's lungs and thus help the victim in breathing, continue this operation until the natural breathing starts. It may take half an hour or even longer to produce the desired effect. When the victim starts breathing, it is better if the rescuer synchronise his own breathing with him until the victim breaths strongly.
Second Motion: Now bring the victim's arms down on each side of his chest as shown in Fig. 4(B) pressing inward on his arms so as to compress his chest. Keep this position for atleast two seconds. Repeat the above two positions again at the same rate. It is required to draw the victim's tongue out during each inhalation attempt and release it during each expiration stroke.
Note: It should be remembered that an unconscious man should never be given any thing to drink. It may cause choking effect.
Mouth to mouth respiration is becoming more popular day by day.Lay down the victim on his back. Loosen his shirt by opening the buttons, open the victim's mouth. Be sure that his air passage is clear. Wipe foreign material out of his mouth so that fresh air can easily enter into the victim's lungs
Now put your one hand under victim's neck, while the other hand tilts his head back, so that the chin points upwards. Now take a deep breath, place your open mouth tightly over victim's mouth and blow the air with a force into his mouth while keeping his nose shut as shown in Fig. The air is filled into his lungs by this process. Now remove your mouth to let the lungs discharge the air.
If you observe that the blown air is not entering his lungs, then check head and jaw position. Make sure that mouth and throat are clear and tongue is not blocking the air passage. Try mouth to mouth breathing again.
If you still observe that blown air is not entering his lungs, turn the victim on his side and shake his shoulders to dislodge any foreign material that may be blocking the throat. Clean his mouth again. If the victim is an adult, blow one vigorous breath every five seconds. As a precaution you may use a clean and fine
cloth piece and place over the victim's mouth and nose, to avoid direct contact.
General: Artificial respiration procedure should be applied gently and not with a force or speed as it may result in an injury to the internal organs.
After Recovery: If the burns are serious, coconut oil should be applied on the affected parts. The victim should not be exposed to cold. The victim should not be given any medicine without the advice of the doctor. Cold water may be given to drink. Allow the victim to smell any scent or a scented thing regularly.
Note: First aid means an action which is instant to a victim to cure from any accident.
Safety Signs: Safety signs are of following types:
(a) Mandatory signs: These types of signs are round in shape, blue in colour and the sign is in white colour e.g., spectacles for the safety of the eyes, helmet for the head safety etc. These signs are called mandatory signs.
(b) Prohibitions signs:
These are round in shape, border and cross are in red colour and black coloured sign is made on white background. These signs indicate smoking and naked blames are prohibited, etc.
(c) Warning signs: These are triangle in shape, yellow in colour and border and sign are of black colour. These indicate warning and danger signs e.g., risk of fire, risk of electric shock, etc.(d) Information signs: These are square in shape. The background is in green colour and the signs are white. These indicate information regarding safety e.g., first aid etc.

An Information sign is an indicator of a source of information, or may itself be informatory. Typical information signs include information boards, traffic signs, pointers to a help desk (such as in a public library, a railway station or an airport) or indicators in reference material.
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